Should You Drink Protein Shakes On Rest Days?

Should You Drink Protein Shakes On Rest Days?

Protein, often hailed as the building block of muscles, plays a crucial role in promoting muscle growth and repair. As an essential macronutrient, it is vital for all individuals, whether you are regularly exercising or not, to meet your daily protein intake requirements.  While there are various sources of protein available, protein shakes have become a popular choice in the fitness world, providing a fast and convenient way to ensure an adequate protein intake each day. 

I often get asked the question “Should I drink protein shakes on my rest days?” When I first start working with a new client. My immediate answer is always a resounding YES! I’m more so leaning to the yes on protein intake vs. it having to be from a shake. 

In this post, I delve into this question of whether you should continue drinking protein shakes on rest days. We will also dive into the nuances of protein consumption in the context of muscle recovery and overall well-being as well as some tips on how to optimize your protein intake! Let’s dive in :) 

Should You Drink Protein Shakes On Rest Days

On the surface, the idea of consuming protein shakes on days when you're not hitting the gym might seem counterintuitive. After all, the common idea is that protein is crucial to support muscle growth and recovery, which is mainly associated with post workout. However, that doesn’t mean that our bodies pause all muscle recovery and building functions outside of this window! 

To start us off, the recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for healthy adults is.8g/kg of body weight or .36g/pound of body weight, and can range from 1.0-2.0g/kg for physically active people working on building muscle mass or doing endurance training. This is for everyday, not just your training days! Even when we aren’t working out, our bodies need protein. 

Taking it a bit further, the body actively engages in muscle protein synthesis (a process that helps the body build new muscle mass) during periods of rest. It’s a crucial mechanism for repairing and building muscle tissues and the process can extend for up to 24-48 hours after a workout. This is one instance indicating that our bodies continue to benefit from protein intake even when we are not actively exercising! Knowing this, drinking protein shakes on rest days can actually be a strategic move to provide the body with the necessary amino acids (protein building blocks) for ongoing muscle repair and growth.

On another note, protein shakes can also serve as a valuable tool to help us stay fuller for longer durations, potentially curbing unhealthy maintaining healthy blood sugar balances and therefore assisting in burning body fat. The satiating effect of protein can contribute to overall calorie control and be a source of support if you’re looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy body composition.

Before we get to the tips, my last point is this. Protein intake is essential to have on all days! Not just workout days. Many get thrown off because of the form it comes in. Whether it be chicken at your dinner, eggs for breakfast, or in powder form, protein on rest days is just as important as protein on workout days! Shake form or not.

3 Benefits of Drinking Protein Shakes on Rest Days

Tips for Drinking Protein Shakes On Rest Days

Optimal Protein Intake/Timing:

The recommended intake for protein can vary based on your gender, activity level and body weight. There is a recommended intake to take during the day but also recommendations per meal. We can technically absorb all the protein we eat but it’s not all being optimally used in the way we want it to if we do all of it at once. Try spacing out your intake to about .4g/kg/meal if you are regularly exercising. *This tip is referring to grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Many supplement powders create servings of around 20-30g per scoop.

Choose High Quality Protein Sources:

Supplementation is not regulated by a system like the FDA across the board. And even then, there are a lot of pitfalls in our food regulation systems. Be sure you’re not just buying any protein powder off the shelves. Opt for brands that have certifications like “GMP” and “Certified B-Corp”. These organizations focus on producing products that are environmentally and socially responsible. My favorite is the Ritual Protein Powder. They also have a Prenatal Formula if you are a mom to be! :)

Should You Drink Protein Shakes On Rest Days

Balanced Nutrition:

While protein shakes can contribute to your daily protein intake, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet overall. Incorporate a mix of macronutrients, including carbohydrates and healthy fats, to support overall well-being and energy levels. Consider adding avocado or nut butters to your shakes for some healthy fats and a fruit or green veggie for your carbs!

For some delicious protein shake recipes, check out my Banana Protein Shake Recipe and Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Protein Shake Recipe. These recipes are staple go-tos in our house and offer a tasty way to enhance your protein intake and support your fitness journey! :) 

Hydration Matters:

Proper hydration is often overlooked but is crucial for optimal muscle function and recovery as well. Ensure you are drinking enough water, especially when consuming protein shakes, to aid digestion and nutrient absorption.

protein shakes

Bottom line is that drinking protein shakes on rest days can be beneficial, given that it aligns with your overall nutritional and fitness goals. Consider your individual needs, the number of rest days you have, and the intensity of your workouts when deciding on your protein intake strategy. Whether you are looking to gain muscle, lose weight, or maintain lean muscle mass, integrating a protein shake on rest days can be a valuable addition to your overall nutrition plan.

If you feel lost in the mix of figuring out your optimal nutrition needs to help you see the results from you hard work, I’m always here to help! Keep a look out for more tips on the blog or book a time to chat face to face with me on zoom! I can’t wait to meet you and help you reach your health goals. :)


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